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Release Notes



  • KPI Metrics and Goals widgets are now available for addition to the Dashboard page
  • Moved the site selector down into the left navigation panel
  • AB Tests - Overview and individual test results are now accessible in the Behavior and Content Insights category
  • Stripe Webhooks are configured to keep subscription status synchronized. It is now possible to enable/disable subscription plans. It is now possible to create both internal and business accounts
  • Minor adjustment of the grid of buttons on the Design page
  • Resolved JavaScript loading issues on some browsers
  • Fixed popup blocking on the dashboard when the site has not registered traffic in the current year


  • Improved model for Dashboard customization: Ownership and Widgets
  • New Dashboard expiration method for widgets
  • Changed Favicon Scale
  • Create a Stripe subscription when a new account is created
  • Backend: The Test Pipeline is fixed
  • Copying the owner dashboard is now possible


  • Visitors Search: new page with advanced search for visitors with or without User IDs. The following information is searchable: VisitorID, UserID, IP Address, Customer ID, Account ID, IP Address, State, City, Referrer.
  • Brand update: Favicon, Logo, Filters color, Date picker color, Admin welcome color, Logout color, Sign-in logo and colors.
  • Real-Time Overview icon updated.
  • Visitor Insight is now Visitors Insight.
  • Heatmaps now show up automatically as they are created.



  • The Funnel Analytics section is now available
  • Portal Navigation Reorganization
  • New widgets on Real-Time Overview page



  • Form analytics reports are now available
    • Form usage by page URL to see whether the same form is used differently on different pages.
    • Entry fields to see where they start filling out your forms.
    • Drop off fields to see where your users leave your forms.
    • Field timings report to see where your users spent the most time.
    • Field size report to see how much text your users type.
    • Most corrected fields report to learn more about where users have problems filling out your form.
    • Unneeded fields report to see which fields are often left blank.
    • Several evolution reports of all metrics to see how your forms perform over time.
    • How often was a form field interacted with (eg. focus or change).
    • Which fields did your visitors interact with first when they started filling out a form.
    • Which fields caused a visitor to stop filling out a form (drop offs).
    • How often your visitors changed a form field or made amendments.
    • How often a field was refocused or corrected (eg usage of backspace or delete key, cursor keys, …).
    • How much text they type into each of your text fields.
    • Which fields are unneeded and often left blank.
    • How long visitors hesitated (waited) before they started changing a field.
    • How much time your visitors spent on each field.


  • Window size increased on user detail popup screen



  • Sessions recordings that are older than 24 months will now be automatically deleted.
  • New widgets are available:
    • Added ‘Combined Keywords’ and ‘Web keyword on Google’ widgets on Acquisition > Search Engines and keywords tab.
    • Added SEO Vitals tab under Acquisition.
    • Added ‘Site Performance’, ‘Performance overview’, ‘Page URLs’ and ‘Page Titles’ on Behavior > Site Performance tab.
    • Added ‘Event Actions’, ‘Events Categories’ and ‘Event Names’ on Behavior > Events tab.
    • Added ‘Operating System Families’ on Visitors > Software > Operating System Versions tab.
    • Added ‘Browser Version’, ‘Browser Plugins’ and ‘Browser Engines’ on Visitors > Software > Browsers tab.
    • Added Entry Pages tab on Behavior.
    • Added ‘Exit pages titles’ on Behavior > Exit pages tab.
    • Added ‘Visits By Day Of The Week’ and ‘Visits Per Hour In The Site's Timezone’ on Behavior > Times tab.
    • Added ‘Campaign Ids’, ‘Campaign Groups’ and ‘Campaign Placements’ on Acquisition > Campaign tab.
    • Group Location’s widgets on same page on Visitors > Location.


  • Issues with navigation collapsing/expanding on the sidebar menu have been resolved.
  • Unnecessary scrollbar on widgets has been removed.



  • Upgrade of internal use libraries.
  • Automated testing flow.
  • Optimized deploy times of newer versions. The deploy of new releases is faster now.



  • Custom Reports for to target specific business KPIs
  • User Flows is now available under the Behavior menu on the sidebar


  • Unnecessary scrolling removed on Visitor Profile Modal/Pop-up in Mobile screens
  • Graphs for single day views are now working correctly
  • Session recordings are now enabled by immediately on new accounts



  • Compare dates feature: User can select a range of dates and compare with:
    • 1) Previous year: Compare period selected with same period from last year
    • 2) Previous Period: Compare period selected with same amount of days ago
    • 3) Custom: Compare period selected with a custom range, keeping the same amounts of days.


  • Created link to Release notes on the sidebar: Xajeet Customer can now follow up on Xajeet releases
  • Created a friendly error page


  • Date selected does not match chart interval: the charts now display the correct period selected on the data picker
  • Date interval now persists when user changes page
  • Fixed: When a user is inactive for a while, some plugins renders a session expired message.



  • The admin user of an account is now able to delete custom tags. The user will be prompted with a confirmation message and receive a successful message.